Battle Of The Beauty Blenders*

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

I've been wanting to try a beauty blender for ages. Since I didn't want to commit and buy the really expensive one I decided to try out a few budget ones first. I was in pennys recently and saw they had a beauty blender on sale for something like 1.50. I bought it and tried it out, and I found that it applied my foundation to a really natural finish, that wasn't very high coverage. The next three were I trio* I received from (Pssst! Theres a discount code RELG10 if you want to try them out too!). I also found that these three blenders left me with a very natural looking finish to my foundation compared to my usual real techniques buffing brush. I think these are great for days when you want something more natural and light. However I do find it a bit more messy and fiddly than just using a brush. 

I will probably stick to my buffing brush for the future. I will continue to use them and try to get the hang of them. They're main selling point for me was how well and seamlessly they blend out anything. Let it be foundation, highlight, contour etc. 

How do you Feel about beauty blenders?

*These products were sent to be for my consideration however all views are my own


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